Hon. Katumba Wamala has said that the ministry will start implementing the National Transport and Logistics Policy which will act as a regulatory framework for all Transport and logistic infrastructure and services aimed at easing Transport in the country.
Speaking to the press in the capital Kampala, the minister said that the policy will among other things develop a multi modal transport connectivity for the country’s competitiveness in the national, regional and international markets and promote safe and sustainable mobility.

According to Hon. Katumba, the key issues in the policy include;
Intermodal Transport Planning and operations that requires prioritization of funding by Government for interconnectivity of roads, water, Air and Railway transport.
Investing in Transport infrastructure, services and operations as opposed to being a private affair.
Investing and protecting of Transport Infrastructure assets to reduce theft of land and road reserves
Regional integration of transport infrastructure and services with neighbouring countries to make Uganda go from a Land locked country so that “we can now call it land linked”.
Focusing on urban mobility that requires robust planning and financing to improve efficiency of cities and reduce cost of doing business.
Strengthening the Local constriction industry which ” has left the country’s construction industry weak and has in turn led to loss of jobs and reduced benefits that would have accrued from both forward and backward linkages.
Rudece on number of deaths by at least 3 thirds in the next ten years and make Uganda’s transport service “become the safest in Africa”. and
Adopt innovative technologies in construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure so as to make it more resilient and less vulnerable to the effects of climate change.