Alimpa apologises to mother, says he worries when wife is away for 15 minutes

Musician Ronald Alimpa said he requested his mother to leave the hospital because they were running out of money for upkeep. According to the singer, they were five people, including him, his wife, and his mother. So, he asked his mother and another person they were with at the hospital to leave, so he could stay with his wife and brother.

Alimpa, who was speaking to reporters, said that this didn’t sit well with his mother, yet she wasn’t helping with cooking and washing because she was also sick. The Seen Don singer said that his mother wanted his wife to go, which was hard for the crooner who revealed that he can’t stand being away from his wife for more than 15 minutes.

“When my wife goes out for 15 minutes, my heart is wondering where she is,” he said.

While speaking to the media, the mother had said that Alimpa chased her from the hospital and also told her to “go and die”. There were also reports that she had insisted on Alimpa not using weed while at the hospital and the singer didn’t like it. In one interview, he said that he can’t stay for long without using weed.

The mother had said she doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore, but Alimpa has said he will visit her as soon as he recovers.

He also apologized.

“I ask her to forgive me though she might be angry right now,” he said, adding that some of the things that were said about his fallout with his mother were not true. “There was a lot of information passed around and most of it wasn’t true.”

He also asked for forgiveness from Sofia Namutebi Sylvia, alias Mama Fina, who paid most of his hospital bills and didn’t like that he abused his mother. “What I can tell Mama Fina is to forgive me. I ask all women to forgive me,” he said.

“I ask my mother to forgive me for everything that happened in the hospital. And when I get better I’ll go to the village and meet her.” He also revealed that in December he will start using a walking stick.

“Doctors told me the bone is not in bad shape and in December they’ll give me walking sticks. I will also use a wheelchair but you start with sticks to help strengthen the bones,” he said that he will then resume singing.

“I still have music. When I get better, I’ll Kick off.”

Ronald Alimpa was involved in a road accident that claimed four lives.


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