Chameleone unveils long hidden daughter Anna Mayanja, which brings the number of Chameleone’s known children to seven

It has been further proven that there are more shades to Dr Jose Chameleone that meets the eye. In what has been described as a shocking but unsurprising twist, the iconic musician recently unveiled his long-kept love child to his family.  According to a report made by the Red Pepper, the latest addition to his ever-growing family is a teenage girl who has been identified as Anna Mayanja.

Besides her name, the public is yet to know more about her. However, according to pictures shared on the internet, she has a striking semblance to the musical doctor.

In a photo spread shared by the tabloid, Chameleone has already introduced his daughter to the inner Mayanja family circle and it has been nothing but love from them all. In the photos shared, she can be seen hugging and laughing with her uncles, aunties, and grandmother.

In one of the pictures, Anna and her yet to be identified mother are seen sharing a happy moment with Chameleone’s mother, Prossy Mayanja and Weasel Manizo, real name Douglas Mayanja.

Anna brings the number of Chameleone’s known children to seven. According to reports, Chameleone and Daniella have five children.

This is not the first child the musical doctor is siring out of wedlock, as his first-born daughter, Ayla Onsea Mayanja, was the first fruit from his relationship with ex-lover, Norwegian Griet Onsea, who was popularly known as Dorotia.

The public remains in uncertainty over whether the musical doctor’s wife Daniela knew about his long-kept love child. A few years back, popular party animal Naira Salim raised dust when her kid was linked to singer Jose Chameleone. It is further reported that both parties went for a DNA test that proved negative.


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