City socialite and former prostitute, Bad Black, real name Namuyimbwa Shanita, apparently almost beat a journalist during the Abryanz Style and Fashion Awards (ASFAS) that happened over the weekend. As Ms Black was walking on the red carpet, she was alone. However, most people who appear on the red carpet move with their spouses or boyfriends even some move with their children.
Bad Black is known to always have her 30-year-old boyfriend beside her in public. This is the reason everyone was asking her where her boyfriend was during the ceremony.
The question which came from one journalist seemed to have irritated her and without any hesitation, she immediately told her to leave the interview and move on to the next person.
The female journalist kept on pressing further. This prompted the angry socialite to grab the microphone and try to throw it away. She further said she felt by this journalist while being interviewed.
“I don’t want you here interviewing me or taking my photos. How do you ask me about my boyfriend? Do you want to snatch him from me? Who said I have to be moving with him everywhere I go? Next time I will throw that microphone away and you will understand who I am,” Bad Black said
This is not the first time Bad Black has attacked a journalist publically because of asking funny questions about her life, children, and boyfriend Usher.