Okubeera n’akamwa ‘akawunya’ kikaluubiriza muganzi wo obulamu – Bebe Cool alangidde King Saha

Bebe Cool appeared to take a swipe at his nemesis King Saha as he commented on musicians with horrible body hygiene. As newsmen, come out and speak the truth to them instead of sugarcoating things. Anyone who has a stinky mouth, even your wife can’t sleep with you. That’s what causes family breakups.

How do you expect someone to be with you all the time while holding their nose?” Cool said while speaking to journalists recently.  “You have trousers that emit an unpleasant smell.. you didn’t brush your teeth, the hair is dirty and the public knows you smoke weed. You also perform at concerts after smoking weed… You have lost credibility.”

Cool’s comments came on the back of revelations by media personality Brian Mulondo that Saha always shows up at events smelling bad.

Mulondo advises King Saha’s manager to always offer him chewing gum before he performs at major events. “When he comes to perform at weddings, events, get him chewing gum,” he advised, adding: “Get Saha chewing gum.”

According to Mulondo, the bad odour that emanates from Saha is not befitting for some of the contexts in which he is required to perform.

“The weed smells a lot you guys,” he said. “No one is saying you stop smoking weed, but when you are going for a corporate gig or a wedding, it is not good for the guests you sing for.”

Meanwhile, Saha trashed the feedback, saying that he doesn’t know Mulondo and that his comments were aimed at merely turning his reputation.


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About the Author: admin