Your very ugly – Khalifah Aganaga tears Sheila Gashumba into pieces

Singer khalifa Aganaga has launched a war on media personality Sheila Gashumba calling her a very ugly and fake person. This came after Sheila Gashumba responded to Kayz on Twitter in a very negative war and through her comments she unknowingly attacked many other people in the entertainment industry.

Sheila Gashumba has been in the entertainment industry for so long but her outspoken character has pushed her to do better. She is not always the most liked persona but she also uses that chance to speak her mind without fearing anyone.

Now that some people fear talking about her, Khalifa Aganaga has nothing to lose and that’s why he attacked her. Singer Aganaga took it to his social media platforms and told Sheila Gashumba how ugly and less important she is in the music industry.

According to Aganaga, Frank Gashumba fears talking about his daughter and her looks but Aganaga won’t let it slide with disrespect.

“Dear Sheilah C Gashumba , wepankanyo, ate nga oli kakazi kabi nyo
Fe aba bad character katugambe ko kitaawo alabika akutya, every thing on is fake. Check the buttocks ha ha bulinga obugaati bwebitaano ,Olinga akasumuluzo ka toy. You can’t disrespect Uganda content creators,” Khalifa Aganaga said


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