A distressed mother is mourning her daughter, who died after being neglected by a nurse at Njoro Girls.
On the fateful day she died, her fellow students took her to the nurse for medical attention because she was critically ill.
She couldn’t even walk on her own, However, the nurse turned her away, She went back to the class to do her mid-term exams.
She kept telling the teacher that she was not feeling well but the teacher insisted that she must finish the exam.
Sadly, she collapsed and died while sitting for the exam, The deceased student’s mother aired her grievances on social media and hoped that she will get justice.
Check out her emotional post.
“Apparently the nurse of NJORO GIRLS turned away koki on that fateful day in the morning she had been taken to the nurse while been supported by fellow students.when the nurse saw her she turned then away and told them to come over another time,
so my brave girl soldiered on back to class and sat for her mid term chemistry exam.during the exam period she kept telling the teacher she was not feeling well but he insisted she finishes her exams.Unfortunately she passed on while doing her exams.Am so mad at the negligence my baby experienced at NJORO GIRLS!!!
why would the nurse not attend to my baby?she clearly showed distress but no one cared!!! To the chemistry teacher was the exam a do or die situation that made you put exams before my baby girl health?My baby passed away while trying to do the right thing.That is how obedient she was.RIP my love
