Babaati thieves pinned down. Check out the full list you will be shocked

The list of all those who are allegedly behind the stealing of Iron sheets meant for Karamoja has been shared.

among the notable people believed to be in the saga include former Speaker of parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, Matia Kasaija the finance minister in the Bank Of Uganda.

Marry Goretti Kitutu, the minister of Karamoja affairs was hand-picked with his brother although the public was questioning as to why it is only the two who were put to public attention and the rest left out.

Although the president of Uganda was silent on the issue, he came out on his Twitter handle to comment on the issue and swore that the culprits will be handled accordingly.

Opposition party members also came out strong to condemn the act and urged the President to take action and not just leave culprits to go scot-free.

Earlier in December 2021, parliament passed a supplementary budget worth Shs 39 billion to support various programs in Karamoja, including the purchase of 100,000 iron sheet pieces, which are alleged to have been diverted.


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Muwanga Deo

About the Author: Muwanga Deo

I am a journalist by profession having worked with former Record Television in 2019 and a current affairs news writer since 2019 to-date