Renowned tycoon Michael Kasawuli, commonly known as Samona, has found himself embroiled in a disconcerting situation as DNA test results allegedly indicated that 10 out of his reported 25 children do not biologically belong to him.
Reports indicated that Samona believed he fathered all 25 children from his four wives. However, subsequent DNA tests allegedly demonstrated that he is the biological father of only 15 children.
The news came to light when Bukedde newspaper last week reported that one of Samona’s wives, Rosemary Nantume, was evicted from her home in Mpigi because two of her children were not fathered by Samona. The two children whose names are withheld are a 24-year-old man and a 13-year-old girl.
In an emotionally charged interview with Sanyuka TV last week, Nantume shared the couple’s journey, which began in 1988. She tearfully expressed her disappointment, accusing Samona of betrayal after years of working together and even recalling a time when he relied on her for clothing.
Nantume who did not speak about the children appealed to Prime Minister Robina Nabbanja and former minister Amelia Kyambadde for assistance in seeking justice. She says Samona was evicting her because he wanted to sell the house.
The shocking revelation of the DNA test results has sent shockwaves through the public, shining a light on the tycoon’s troubled family life. On social media, the topic #fearwomen women is trending because of such stories.