SAD! Five killed in Nakasongola road crash between a bus and a truck

Five people have been confirmed dead and several others injured in a 4:30am Friday Road crash involving a passenger bus and a charcoal truck at Migyeera Village in Nakasongola District along the Kampala- Gulu Highway.

The accident involved a bus belonging to California Bus Company and a stationary truck that had developed a mechanical problem at the time the grisly accident occurred.

Savana Region Police spokesperson Sam Twinemazima confirmed the fatalities saying: “The bodies of the five people have been taken to Nakasongola Health center IV mortuary. One of the deceased persons has been identified as Alex Muwanga.”

Eyewitness Joseph Byaruhanga, who was driving separately in a Nation Media Group (NMG) car, narrowly survived being trapped in the crash but said “The speeding bus failed to break and crashed into the truck.”

“It was a terrifying scene as I tried to save my life when the bus hit my car from the rear. Luckily, I managed to park my vehicle that got some slight damage,” he told

in the aftermath of the incident on Friday. One of the survivors, Faustino Omagor also attributed the accident to overspeeding.

“I survived the accident but witnessed the gruesome death of four people that were aboard the bus. I don’t know the identities of the deceased people,” but we boarded the bus from Arua City destined for Kampala City,” he claimed briefly.

Travelers included businesspeople and an undisclosed number of pilgrims to Namugongo ahead of the annual June 3 Martyrs Day celebrations in Namugongo, Wakiso District. Road accidents claim dozens of lives every month in Uganda.


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