video: Jose Chameleon’s older sons are back in Uganda to check on their relatives after several years

Legendary singer Jose Chameleon real name Joseph Mayanja older sons Abba and Alpha have come back to Uganda.

They have come to check on their relatives after several years of being in America where their mother relocated with all of them.

Abba recently graduated from high school and he has been on social media trying to catch up with fans here in Uganda. Now that he is officially in the land, maybe he will get a chance to meet most of them.

Jose Chameleon posted welcoming his son’s saying he is not in the country but he hopes to join them very soon. “Welcome Home Abba and Alfa Mayanja.

After your time away, exploring new horizons and experiencing different cultures, it’s wonderful to have you back.

Uganda got vibrant culture, natural beauty, and warm-hearted people that welcome you back with open arms. It’s time to rekindle connections, share laughter, and create new adventures right here on our home soil.

As you enjoy your visit, Take time explore, appreciate the richness of your roots and the endless possibilities that lie within. LOVE YOU SO MUCH I WILL JOIN YOU SOON.,” Jose Chameleon posted.


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