VIDEO: MC Kats and Fille almost chew each other in public

Media personality and Mcee Katamba Edwin also known as MC Kats almost chewed his baby mama Fille Mutoni in public. The two were at Sheebah’s celebration party that was organized after her battle against nemesis Cindy Sanyu.

This battle has been long awaited and people couldn’t wait for it to happen. Although Sheebah wasn’t the best many people appreciated her for her resilience and being one among the many in the industry.

MC Kats is one of the people that was supporting Sheebah and he was invited at the party.

He went with his musician and baby mama Fille who showed love to each other during the whole celebration.

The two were being lovey dovey the whole event whole event which was okay because they have been on and off in their relationship.

Here is the video


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About the Author: admin