VIDEO “I was Fired from Job, Disowned by Family & Wedding Cancelled after Galaxy FM’s Controversial Post”

In a heart-wrenching tale of unexpected consequences, a woman finds herself grappling with unemployment and estrangement from her family after Galaxy FM published compromising photos.

The radio station shared snapshots of her joyous moments at the recent Zzina Beach Fest at Coco Beach, accompanied by a man, along with a caption that aimed for a humorous touch. However, the aftermath of this social media post has proven to be far from amusing.

Criticism emerged from various corners of the internet, questioning Galaxy FM’s questionable online behavior in sharing such personal images without consent.

Today, the woman, overcome with emotion, shared a tearful video expressing her dismay at how the media’s actions have adversely affected her life. She recounted the shock of waking up to an email terminating her employment, as her employers stumbled upon the compromising photos shared without her consent.

The situation took a heartbreaking turn when her father disowned her after encountering the same images. To compound matters, her boyfriend, who was actively preparing for their wedding, decided to call off the engagement in response to the distressing revelations.

In the wake of these unfortunate events, the woman raised a poignant question about why the station failed to seek consent before engaging in such actions, shedding light on the profound impact of thoughtless online behavior on individuals’ lives.


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About the Author: admin