From Dreams to Reality: “When I was young, I dreamed of marrying a wealthy man, but realised it wasn’t easy.” Zari Hassan’s Inspiring Journey

Entrepreneur Zari Hassan recently shared insights into her life, shedding light on her motivations and the hard work that led to her current success.

In a candid interview with BBC Swahili in London, she responded to five rapid-fire questions, delving into her childhood dreams and the path she took to achieve her goals.

Zari Phone

Reflecting on her youth, Zari admitted that her childhood dream was to lead a luxurious life, envisioning herself waking up engaged to a wealthy man.

However, the reality turned out to be different, requiring her to abandon this dream and embark on a journey of hard work and perseverance.

Contrary to assumptions, Zari revealed that she did not inherit considerable wealth from her late mother. Instead, she worked tirelessly in low-paying jobs for over two decades before attaining the life she now takes pride in.

“I used to think I would wake up, marry a wealthy man, wear expensive gold… but I realized it wasn’t easy. That’s when I realized that I indeed needed a good life but had to work for it,” Zari shared.

Motivated by the realization that she did not come from an affluent family, Zari emphasized the importance of taking responsibility for her own success.

“That gave me the motivation that I don’t come from a good family, so it was my responsibility. I said when I go back, I will work harder,” she added.

When questioned about her time management strategies, Zari emphasized the priority she places on her family, particularly her husband and children.

She highlighted the significance of organizing one’s life effectively, noting that planning is crucial for smooth execution.

Sharing the secret to her success, Zari reiterated her advice for aspiring individuals to start at the bottom with whatever resources they have. “I always say, and I will repeat it again, start at the bottom.

I’ve worked for over 20 years, taking small steps. There comes a time when you look back and say, oh, I’ve come a long way. So start with the small steps,” she wisely advised.

Zari Hassan’s journey serves as an inspiring testament to the transformative power of hard work, determination, and the pursuit of one’s dreams, regardless of the circumstances one is born into.


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