MUMPE KUMAGEZI!! Okuva Bawange weyafa Mbadde negata ne mutabani wange mumukwaano

I married my husband when I was 16 and had our son at 18 because my parents insisted I finish secondary school first. Our life took a tragic turn when my son was just eight months old. Our home was attacked, and my husband died in the incident. I survived, and so did my son.

Heartbroken, I decided never to remarry. My husband had treated me so well, and I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. I focused on raising my son, and we developed an extremely close bond. He slept in my bed, and we shared everything.

When my son turned 17, he was accepted into university. Around that time, I had a dream where I saw my husband. We were happy together, and as we were about to make love, I realized it was my son next to me in the dream. This dream awakened confusing feelings in me, and I began to see my husband in my son.

Despite knowing it was wrong, my feelings grew, and we eventually entered into a physical relationship. Recently, I discovered I am pregnant.

I am now torn about what to do. Part of me feels connected to my late husband through this child, while another part knows this is not right.



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About the Author: admin