“UPDF Is Still My Army And Nobody Can Take It Away From Me, I Want It Back!!” First Son Muhoozi Kainerugaba Claims.

In yet another series of tweets, Muhoozi Kainerugaba, son to President Museveni and also a Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) General, has yet again blew up social media – Twitter specifically – saying he “wants his army UPDF back.

UPDF is still ‘My’ Army. Afande Mzee, I want my army back!!” he tweeted. In the Tweets, he went ahead to clarify that Internal Affairs Minister Gen. Kahinda Otafiire is his uncle and would never fight him.

Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba

Let me make this very clear for the world. General Otafiire is another uncle of mine. He is a close comrade of my father. I will never fight him,” he tweeted.

It is not yet clear what drove the now semi-retired UPDF General to tweet like this.

It wouldn’t take us, my army and me, 2 weeks to capture Nairobi,” he tweeted.

In his tweets, Muhoozi also suggested former Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta, who handed over power to President William Ruto on September 13, 2022, should have changed the constitution to remain in power.

Haha! I love my Kenyan relatives. Constitution? Rule of law? You must be joking! For us (Uganda), there is only the Revolution and you will soon learn about it!” he tweeted.

Muhoozi’s tweets sparked not only anger among ordinary citizens but also high-ranking Government officials such as the Kenyan Speaker of Parliament.

President Museveni apologised to the Kenyan Government and followed his apology with firing and at the same time promoting his son. Muhoozi was stripped off his Commander of Land Forces position and at the same time given a promotion to become a full general making him the firstest rising UPDF military officer in the army’s history.


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