
Govt resurrects Digital numberplate implementation, sets commencement dates

The Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Works and Transport and Ministry of Security has set new dates for the Implementation of the Intelligent Transport Monitoring System (ITMS) project nearly after... Read more »

Victoria University opens doors to content creaters, promotes Tourism in Uganda

Victoria University has partnered with nature conservationist, Arturo Islas Allende to promote and conserve tourism in Uganda. Arturo, the “EL SOL DE ORO” award winning environmental activism conservationist was awed with the... Read more »

China allegedly hacks into American infrastructure posing threats

Western spy agencies have alleged that Chinese hackers have used spy malware to attack critical infrastructure on American military bases in Guam   According to experts, this is one of the largest... Read more »

Suspect asks court for 50 million to prove his innocence

A key suspect in the Nagirinya murder case has asked court for 50 million shillings to prove his innocence. Copriyam Kasolo, the key suspect while appearing in court said that the money... Read more »
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Police insist on arresting drug abusers even after court banned the law on drugs

While addressing the weekly media conference in Naguru, Kampala, the police also promised to continue cracking down on narcotics related-offences using the National Drug Policy and Authority Act, 1993. the old law... Read more »

Uganda Roads: Gov’t releases 26.1 Bn for road maintenance works

The Government of Uganda has released 26.1 Billoin shillings for the maintenance of District, cities and municipal roads in the fourth quarter of the 2022/23 financial year. A circular dated 17th April... Read more »

Media stations ban TikTok due to Information security fears

Many European companies have banned Chines social media platform TikTok on all official mobile phones due to fears of harvesting information on their phones. Denmark’s Public service broadcaster and the BBC are... Read more »
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Masaka farmers cry out to government over high costs of farm inputs

Farmers in Masaka have cried out to the Government of Uganda to save the on high farm input costs that make cist of production high yet their market opts for cheap products.... Read more »

URA uncovers smugglers hidden phones meant to be sold cheap for Christmas.

Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) has uncovered about 8000 mobile phones from a man who smuggled them into a room without clearance from authorities in Iganga. the consolidation Centre tipped  URA of a... Read more »

Chaos as vendors demand Gov’t to renovate Nakawa market to meet proper standards

Vendors operating in Nakawa market have appealed to Government to help elevate its standards so that they can operate in a good environment. The displeased vendors who operate in Nakawa say that... Read more »