Weasel and Sandra Teta lock lips on camera

Musician Douglas Mayanja aka Weasel Manizo is without a doubt over the moon after the return of his babu mama Sandra Teta, It should be recalled that Sandra spent about 5 months away from Weasel’s home and she just returned this week.

This followed shocking news last year about how the Goodlyf singer was battering her, Sandra all appeared in the tabloids with her face all mashed up and having bruises all over it.

News then circulated that tje always intoxicated singer had been beating her, However in a bid to protect him from the backlash that was flying around, Sandra said that she had beaten by thugs.

Weasel’s older brother Jose Chameleone’s wife Daniella Atim however said that it’s true Weasel had beating his baby mama.

Sandra refused to file a case police against her baby daddy which let him off the hook and her parents had to come and take her back to Rwanda forcefully.

Weasel couldn’t hide his excitement over her coming back and revealed hes been missing her so much, It seems the case for her too as they all locked lips on the camera.


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About the Author: admin