Ensure equality in action, you kill you must be killed-Museveni insists on death sentence rather than life imprisonment

The president of Uganda Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has insisted that those who comite crime must be hanged rather than given life sentence in jail.

During his address to the country Friday night, the president insisted that people who kill must also be killed.

“We don’t accept this life imprisonment. It is life for life, tooth for tooth unless you are forgiven for some reason”. He said.

“Therefore we are continuing to discuss this and nobody will stop us”. He added.

Museveni in his speech condemned the act of killing and said that the problem is when someone kills, more time is spent on the killer rather than the victims or the killed who can not defend himself.

“People have been killed. Instead of defending them you are defending the criminals. More time for the criminals than for the victims. He is not there to ask for bail. The victim is dead. All your attention is on the suspect, nothing for them”. He said.

“This is not correct. We can not accept this. We did not fight so that our people are killed with impunity”. He said adding that the system is more on the side of the suspects than that of the victims.


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Muwanga Deo

About the Author: Muwanga Deo

I am a journalist by profession having worked with former Record Television in 2019 and a current affairs news writer since 2019 to-date