Bishop Kibuuka charged and remanded over torturing a 14-year-old boy

The excommunicated Catholic priest, Jacinto Kibuuka, has been charged and remanded to Luzira Prison over allegedly torturing a 14-year-old boy at Mamre International Prayer Centre, Namugongo in Wakiso district. Kibuuka, now the Bishop of the Evangelical Orthodox Church, is accused of torturing the minor, a pupil of Christ the King Junior School, Namungoona.

Police investigations show that Kibuuka allegedly tortured the boy, claiming he had stolen sh40,000. Last week, the Police opened a criminal case against Kibuuka following a complaint from the landlord, Ruth Nakimbugwe.

Subsequently, Detective Assistant Superintendent of Police Andrew Nizeyimana preferred a charge of aggravated assault against Kibuuka and released him on Police bond. The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions consented to the charge.

Bishop re-arrested

However, on Wednesday (August 24), Kibuuka was re-arrested and kept in a Police cell until Thursday, when he was arraigned before Kira Chief Magistrates’ Court to answer the charges.

Kira Grade One Magistrate Ivan Seguya read out the charges to the accused, but stopped him (Kibuuka) from pleading to the charge, saying he had no powers to handle the case.

“This court has no jurisdiction to try this offence. Therefore, you will plead to the charge before the Chief Magistrate,” Seguya said.

The court heard that the matter is still under investigation. Kibuuka is charged with aggravated assault. If found guilty, he is liable to life imprisonment. Clad in a yellow Kitenge and a black pair of trousers, Kibuuka appeared crestfallen before the magistrate.

Efforts by the defence lawyer, who declined to disclose his name, to secure bail for Kibuuka were futile after the magistrate insisted that the accused will apply for bail before the chief magistrate.

The prosecution alleges that on August 22, 2022, Kibuuka inflicted injuries on the boy, causing him grievous harm.

What happened?

It is said on that fateful day, the victim went with his mother to the church before she left for Kampala city. The victim’s mother is a cleaner at the church. Moments later, Kibuuka reportedly called the boy to his office, accusing him of stealing money and started battering him.

It is said after beating the boy, Kibuuka reportedly dragged him into his car and drove him to his mother’s home at Namugongo-Janda in Kira municipality and abandoned him at the doorstep.

The landlord and residents of the area saw the boy bleeding and with injuries on his body, and took him to Nuwa Nabugwe Hospital for treatment.

The magistrate remanded Kibuuka until Monday(August 29, 2022) when he will re-appear before the Chief Magistrate to take a plea on the charge.


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