Two people have died while one is still missing in Bundibugyo Floods

Authorities in Bundibugyo District have confirmed that at least two people have died while one is still missing after fresh floods and mudslides hit parts on Friday night. The downpour that started at around 6 pm lasted over 12 hours. It also left many people’s houses and properties worth millions of shillings destroyed.

By midday, Saturday, locals in Bundibugyo had retrieved two bodies including one of a 4-year-old girl, Pritha Masika. Masika died at around 10 pm when floods swept the house of his father Mr. Yusufu Mutende in Kubango Village, Mabere Sub County as the family was having supper.

“When floods hit our house, we all started running and my child who was sleeping was left in the house. She has swept away then we started looking for her until morning when we found her covered by mud,” he told reporters from the Daily Monitor on September 3.

Residents also recovered the body of 30-year-old Bwambale Munyabasi from River Mbule in Ntandi Town Council. He was apparently trying to cross the river on his way home at night.

A village chairman Mr. Mushenene Zakel said his brother Mate Mushenene was also still missing by Saturday afternoon. He was also swept away by floods as he tried to cross Nyakihghoma River at night. Mushenene is a resident of Nyakighoma trading center.

“Some of the traders in the area slept at their relatives’ places because all access roads and bridges were swept away. This had cut off the other sub-counties of Ngamba, Mabere, and Ntandi Town Council.

Overnight Friday, rivers Mbule and Nyabughesera that come from Mount Rwenzori ranges also burst their banks.

“People’s properties have been destroyed because there is too much flooding coming from the mountain. We are telling people to take safety measures”. Ntandi Town Council chairman Mr. Timothy Asaba Galibulha told this reporter.


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