WHEN YOUR OWN PARENT ACTS LIKE AN ENEMY! There might be no heartbreak deeper than that

There might be no heartbreak deeper than that from a toxic parent. It’s sad when a parent that should protect you, love you, support you, celebrate you, provide, turns out to be someone you don’t even know!

Many parents consciously (or unconsciously) transfer all the anger from a failed relationship to the child like it was their responsibility things to fail. Ugly situation right there…πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ˜’

Imagine a parent that makes it feel like you are a burden and that to provide, she is just doing you a favor. How?

A parent that will never realize you are nolonger a kid but a grown up who deserves proper conduct and basic respect…

A parent that never bothers to inquire how you are/ feel, how you survive, (that’s not their business) …but somehow s/he is quick to blame!

Unappreciative parents. They only have something bad to say day in, day out. The good is unnoticed!
Helps/helped so little but full of entitlement.πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

The Judgemental. Those that will never love you for who you are but keep comparing you to your siblings and neighbors’ children everytime. (You never realize what you’re doing to the kid’s self-esteem) Aren’t people supposed to be different?

…and so much wicked stuff. Some parents are actually “wicked”! Be glad if yours are genuinely loving.

Sending love ❀️ and lightπŸ’‘to people who are victims in this regard. Many people actually aren’t trying to recover from bad love-relationships, but toxic family relationships. May you find the courage to heal & forgive!

And to the parents; it would be sad and a shame to be the cause of your own kid’s bad mental health. Love and support your kids. That’s your responsibility not a favor to be extended!

Treat them with respect and know your boundaries. Much as they’re children, there is a line in between. Don’t press that nose! Avoid the nerves!Β  The last thing you would wish for is seeing your own blood fully shuttered, and knowing your the reason!!!πŸ‘€


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About the Author: admin