Ebibya bizuuse ku muwala Shina Atwine eyasse muganzi we Anorld Barber naye namala neyejja mubulamu

Arnold Senkungu and Shina Atwine are alleged to have stabbed each other to death following a disagreement on Wednesday morning.

“The incident occurred at Senkungu Arnold’s residence in Kabalagala, where the 24-year-old barber and 21-year-old student were found in distress by their neighbor, Sserunjoji Frank.


Discovering fresh blood and locked doors, neighbors forced entry to find Senkungu alive but succumbed to injuries at Kibuli Hospital. Tragically, Atwine Shina was found lifeless with a deep neck wound,” said the Deputy Police Spokesperson, Kampala Metropolitan, Luke Owoyesigyire.

In the aftermath of a heartbreaking incident that shook the online community, where Shina Atwine tragically took her own life after a violent altercation with her boyfriend Arnold Senkungu, new details have emerged shedding light on the deceased young lady.

Investigations by this platform have uncovered a startling revelation that left Atwine’s parents in disbelief. It turns out that their daughter had deceitfully fabricated her academic credentials and embezzled their funds under the pretense of pursuing education.

Atwine had been residing with her boyfriend, and the couple shared the responsibility of caring for their 5-month-old baby. Unfortunately, Senkungu succumbed to the injuries inflicted by Atwine, leaving their infant child orphaned.

Previous reports suggest that Atwine had confided in a friend about alleged mistreatment, prompting her to acquire a new knife—a disturbing detail that hints at the possibility of premeditated actions leading to her boyfriend’s tragic demise.


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About the Author: admin