REST IN PEACE!! Lochoto Ambrose Machete Police patrol Yamukubye Magazi yamasasi

Lochoto Ambrose Machete, the Chairperson of our National Unity Platform (NUP) mobilisation team in Kaabong District, was last evening shot dead by Ugandan security operatives as he returned from watching a football game. Onlookers say Lochoto’s killers pursued and shot him dead at close range, and then delivered his body to the mortuary.

We’re told they’re now trying to cover up by suggesting that this comrade was a Turkana warrior whom they killed in an ambush!


While NUP supporters and mobilisers go through incredible problems all over the country, it’s worse in Northern Uganda where RDCs, DISOs, GISOs, DPCs, etc work overtime to instill fear in the entire population.

Since the 2021 election, several comrades have been killed in West-Nile, Lango, Acholi and Karamoja. We strongly condemn this cowardly action, and demand for justice for comrade Lochoto!


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About the Author: admin