In accordance with Section 4 (3) of the UNEB Act, 2021, the
Board, withheld and promised to a fair hearing to those whose results were withheld over alleged examinations malpractice.

A total of 3612 students were charged with malpractice and thier results were withheld with 2220 results from PLE, 1292 from UCE and 100 results of UCAE withheld.
Dan Odongo, the UNEB executive director said that the hearing will start on Thursday 2nd September 2021 and promised that the board will return results of those who will turn out innocent of the offence.
The 2020 UNEB results were disrupted by the Covid19 pandemic that left many candidates unsure of thier fate in doing thier final promotional exams.
While addressing the press on the issue of malpractice by s6 candidates, Odongo said that they were facilitated mostly by external help in science subjects mostly such as Biology and chemistry.