The government of Uganda under the 2030 engender for sustainable development and 17 Sustainable Development Goals is aiming at ending hunger by the year 2030.
As one of the 193 countries embracing the 2030 a gender of achieving Zero hunger by ensuring food security and nutritious diets for all people, the ministry of Agriculture has put up measures to ensure the said agenda is made possible.

Dr. Bright wramirama the state ministe for Agricultuet said that the ministry has come up with measures to ensure food productivity in the country.
Increase of critical farm inputs, increasing agriculture products and production, improving the market and value chain among other endeavours.
In Uganda the challenge is that the population continues to grow at a rapid rate of 3.2% per annum while agriculture productivity is at 2.9% per annum” he noted.
According the UBOS, in 2019 alone, the agriculture sector empolyed 73% of the total working population with about 38% youth.