Besigye justifies “People’s front” movement, explains why NUP is not part

Dr. Kiza besigye has explained the reason for creation of the “people’s front” movement.

Speaking to press at the Jeema offices in Mengo, Besigye who was in the presence of other politicians such as Wafula Oguttu, Lukyamuzi, Erias Lukwago and Harold Kaija from FDC, among others said that the movement is aimed at collecting all people who think should unite together and change the political status quo.

Besigye displays the “red card” that signifies Museveni’s time up

“We are gathered here because we all jointly belive that there is a deep crisis in this country costing the lives and future of this population. So we are uniting to find solutions” he explained.

Besigye added that whoever was to find solutions to the political crisis of the country should really around it hence finding a collective solution to it.

Besigye confirmed to have been in talks with the National Unity Platform president Robert Kyagulanyi over the movement, which he seemed to have liked but outsiders made him change his mind on the joining.

Besigye with other politicians who teamed up to join the movement at Jeema offices

“The top leaders were very receptive of what we were doing and showed enthusiasm of what we were doing but later when they engaged other colleagues they developed second thoughts” he revealed.

The four time presidential candidate said he was surprised to learn that he had been a free man after being slapped with a treason case back in 2016 but got to learn that from one of the local morning papers this morning that the case was dropped two years ago.

“I didn’t know that I was a free man until I saw in the paper this morning a headline saying I was free. I have always thought I am out on bond. How can one be free and not know it?” He asked.

Kampala Lord mayor Elias Lukwago, one of Besigye’s lawyers warned that every one is not safe and with the current bail law that president Museveni wants scrapped for those accused of murder, lukwago said that that will make every one vulnerable and capable of being taken to prison without applying bail.

“Courts interpreted the laws very well and the constitution grants those powers and they have those prerogatives to grant bail or no so they [judegs] looked at the factors and said that these people have to be on bail” he explained on the case of Segirinya and ssewanyana who were accused of murder in the Masaka killings.

That annoyed the president and do you know what he has done, Mr Museveni said no more granting of bail…he has stopped judges from granting of bail and today you are candidates of Kigo” (Prison) he warned.

The opposition has tried to make president Museveni uncomfortable in his presidential seat and force him to resign his over 35 year grip on power with movements such at people’s government, people power, tubalemese campaign and the latest people’s front for transformation.


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Muwanga Deo

About the Author: Muwanga Deo

I am a journalist by profession having worked with former Record Television in 2019 and a current affairs news writer since 2019 to-date