After waiting in vain for the reopening of the Entertainment industry, Musicians, comedians and other artists are now happy that the sector is open for business.
during president Museveni’s address to the Nation on 31st December 2021, he informed the country that the sector will be open two weeks after schools are reopened.

Artists such as chameleon and Mathias Walukagga have set up music performance shows as a comeback.
Idris AKA Salvado said he has prepared for the all the time the sector was locked down.
“I have been preparing for two years. before the lock down I was prepared for my shows now imagine preparing for two years what do you expect? he said adding that he is excited since this 24th ( date set by president for opening) ” is like our birthday”.
Balam, an events and artists promoter said that his concerts will adhere to strict SOP’s and those who will not abide by the rules will be showed the door out.
“All artist, if you know you want to work with me and you have not been vaccinated you will not access my stage and all revellers if you don’t go get vaccinate and don’t have a card you will not access my venue when I resume work”.
The industry is now faces by challenges since it’s opening in hard times when most people have no money since they spent it during the festive season.