“Tewali kiluma mukazi nga kizigo mugaana🤣”Prima Kardashi throws jabs at Ugandan girls dissing bleaching

Singer Geosteady’s ex wife and baby mama Prima Kardashi is not about to take bad energy from Ugandan ladies who are busy dissing bleaching of skins. Prima Kardashi was famously known because she was dating Geosteady but those who knew her five years ago can’t recognize her at the moment because she has totally changed especially in looks.

Prima was dark skinned and at the moment she looks like a white lady who has never had a dark skin on herself. Social media users have been coming at her bitterly telling her to stop bleaching because it is not a good example to her two young daughters that are looking up to her.

Not only social media users even her recent ex boyfriend Mr. Henrie one time after their separation talked about her bleaching saying she is not that sweet like the way people see her outside. Prima Kardashi was quick to reply him saying he is dissing bleached women yet he is always in their thighs trying to chew them. Fans went ahead and told Prima that she looked better in her old skin than her current brown skin.

According to Prima Kardashi, those telling her to stop bleaching are just jealousy of her because the bleach refused to work for them when they tried it at one point. Prima said it is said because all those throwing bad comments at her are just desperate, men don’t want them, they are just poor and are left with nothing to do.

“Tewali kiluma mukazi nga kizigo mugaana🤣
Abasajja bagaane🤣
Sente zigaane🤣
ekitimba kyigaane🤣
Nekizigo🤣🤣🤣______???,” Prima Kardashi posted.

At the moment, Prima Kardashi is currently single although she has been rumored to be dating South African socialite Meddie Moore and is also trying to make amends with baby daddy Geosteady.


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