SHAME UPON YOU! State House exposes boda accident case NUP paraded as ‘torture victim’ in Nairobi

National Unity Platform (NUP) has been put on spot over parading fake victims of torture at their Nairobi human rights conference mid this month. Mr Faruk Kirunda, the deputy Presidential Press Secretary, , punched holes in testimonials of victims of torture adding credence to the accusations that the Opposition fake testimonies to deliberately damage the Ugandan government’s image.

Mr Kirunda posted on his Twitter page on Saturday that one of the victims NUP paraded at the much-publicized Nairobi ‘Uganda Human Rights Accountability Conference’ as proof of torture cases, happens to have suffered an accident last year and he is a well-known individual in Jinja with common people testifying about his boda accident.

“They say lies take the elevator but truth takes the stairs and arrives faster. The case of Moses Simbwa, a well-known accident victim from Jinja paraded as a victim of torture in Nairobi is one such glaring example. Big Shame!” Mr Kirunda posted.

A day later, no one from the opposition leaders has refuted the statement from Mr Kirunda. After exposing the lies, commentators have called for stern action against individuals who tarnish the image of the country.

“Sebo Kirunda, let there be a way for attributing rightful and lawful consequences for tarnishing the country’s image, peace and economy. The country is bleeding from such acts. The liars are encouraged by the impunity they are enjoying…” reacted @betusgat.

On November 17, 2022, National Unity Platform leaders held a meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, dubbed ‘Uganda Human Rights Accountability Conference’ claiming dozens of their supporters were killed or maimed during and in the aftermath of the November 18, 2020 senseless riots.

At the event, one of the victims paraded was Moses Simbwa, a renown opposition supporter in Jinja who suffered an accident when he collided with a Subaru which was overtaking a sugarcane truck at Bukeeka, along Kangulumira -Njeru road mid 2021.

The accident left him with broken legs and his damaged TVS motorcycle was parked at Njeru police station for almost a year as Simbwa recovered from Jinja Main Hospital and later sought further treatment in Kumi. Upon recovery, Simbwa claimed his motorcycle and was returned to him.

Simbwa expose, comes at a time NUP leaders including Robert Kyagulanyi have heightened accusations against Uganda as a state instigating torture against opposition supporters. President Yoweri Museveni has personally condemned torture and warned individuals of consequences when found guilty.

The Attorney General Mr Kiryowa Kiwanuka has recently dismissed claims of torture and defended the Ugandan government against the malicious accusations at the 75th session of the UN Convention on Torture.


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About the Author: admin