Reasons why Prima and Geosteady’s relationship is getting more stronger

Geosteady and ex wife Prima Kardashi’s relationship is getting stronger day by day after two years of separating from one another. Geosteady and Prima have been together for more than ten years and having two children together brings them more closer to each other than other relationships they have been in.

Recently they reconnected and got back together but people have been wondering why they are going so fast in their relationship.

According to Geosteady the reason why he is closer to Prima Kardashi is because she was with him in the beginning of his career and there is no way he will drop her after getting money.

He added on that he has never dated a woman and connected to her in the level he connected with Prima the mother of his children.

“Me and Prima Kardashi we have come from far that you people can’t know. You should be happy for us for getting back together instead of criticizing us. Me and Geosteady are very connected on the levels I have never connected with any other lady,” Geosteady revealed


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