Most Captured ADF Fighters are children Below 18yrs

At least 8 Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels have been captured by Uganda’s armed forces. This happened after they attacked a village in Ntokoro district on the morning of Tuesday. The rebels apparently crossed River Semuliki into Kyanja and other villages bordering the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Brig Felix Kulayigye, the defense spokesperson, made the revelation of the eight being captured. It should be noted that some of them possibly drowned in the river as they tried to avoid UPDF capture by fleeing back to DRC.

The UPDF estimated about 20-30 rebels to have crossed into Kyanja in Ntoroko district. Along with its sister organs, the UPDF then deployed forces to counter the attackers, killing 11 rebels and recovering 11 guns and ammunition.

He also revealed that most of the captured rebels are below the age of 18. One of the captured fighters, known as Ali revealed that he is only 16 years old and another said he is 12.

According to an interrogation video, the captured fighters said they belonged to different factions of the movement.

It has been reported that ADF recruiters in Uganda entice boys to the DRC with false promises of employment and free education. When they get there, they are forced to fight for the terrorist organization


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About the Author: admin