NRM blogger Dr. T. Amale to spend Christmas in jail

Toby Kafeero, a renowned blogger operating under the moniker Dr. T. Amale on his social media platform Volongoto is in deep trouble after a court yesterday reportedly remanded him to Luzira maximum prison.

It is said that Toby was arrested and arraigned before the court on Friday after a top city pastor, Katende and his legal team tasked the court to issue a criminal summons or take action on the self-styled blogger.

“NRM blogger Dr. T. Amale is to spend Christmas in Kitalya as court reportedly remands him to Luzira over defamatory comments on top city pastor. Toby Kafeero was reportedly arraigned before court and charged under the new computer misuse bill 2022,” said our source privy to the development.

We had earlier reported that Toby was being slapped with charges related with the computer misuse act as amended 2022. He on record was one of the vocal proponents of the bill as he commended the Kampala Central MP Muhammad Nsereko for fronting the bill.

This is a developing story…


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About the Author: admin