Rwanda distances self from supporting rebel groups

The Rwandan Government has distanced its self from allegations saying that it supports the M23 rebel group.

On Wednesday, Rwanda issued a statement dismissing, again, allegations that it is supporting UN-sanctioned M23 rebels in the eastern DRC.

“It is a mistake to conflate the measures that Rwanda has put in place to guard its borders with support for any particular armed group in DRC.”

Rwanda insists that it is being used as a scape goat even after its cry on insecurity by other rebel forces such as the FDLR rebels in eastern DRC is given a deaf ear.

The French who insisted that Rwanda supports M23 rebels were in plans to sanction the country.


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Muwanga Deo

About the Author: Muwanga Deo

I am a journalist by profession having worked with former Record Television in 2019 and a current affairs news writer since 2019 to-date