KITALO! Makerere fresh graduate found hanging dead in church

Flavia Nagasha, a fresh graduate of Makerere University, was discovered on Thursday hanging dead in a church in the Rwampara District in western Uganda. This death is being investigated as a possible suicide.

Nagasha recently completed her bachelor’s of business administration at the university, According to a Daily Monitor article, the newspaper spoke with a friend of Nagasha who preferred anonymity.

“The deceased even failed to make it to her February 2023 graduation day due to mental disorders- and often sought exorcism,” the friend is quoted saying.

“After running mad, she hanged herself. But before the tragedy, she had several times been a victim of what was believed to be demonic attacks,” she added.

The friend added that one of Nagasha’s family members passed away last week.

“Even the father died last year under uncertain circumstances,” the friend told Monitor.



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