NAYE ABASAJJA!! Watch Dr. Hamza Ssebunya shower another baby with money

Hi In itSinger Rema Namakula’s husband Dr. Hamza Ssebunya has been filmed showering another babe with money, All this happened in absence of Rena and it looks like Dr. Hamza was at a certain function of a friend.

Rema left Eddy Kenzo the father of her first child on allegations of cheating with a fellow musician and now her new husband and also the father to second child is also busy out.

This is not the first time Hamza is sen blessing a lady with money or even with unknown lady in absence of Rema Namakula.

We are not sure who this lady could be but in the video, Hamz looks to have got lots of money to go spending on women around Kampala.

This is usually done by people who are are wanting fame. They come around Kampala spending money on different people they don’t even know.

According to Rema, in recent interview she said Dr. Hamza is a blessing to her and she doesn’t think she will ever meet a genuine person like him.

Here is the video;


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About the Author: admin