“Why Don’t you want to pay me yet my wife is pregnant and my kids don’t have school fees” Bodyguard who shot the minister reveals before Shooting Himself Dead

The bodyguard to State Minister for Labour, Employment and Industrial Relations, Col. (Rtd) Charles Okello Engola has shot him dead.

In the incident that happened Today morning, at his home in Kyanja, a Kampala suburb, The minister was stepping out of his home, heading to work when one of his bodyguards shot him dead.

When the bodyguard had finished shooting the minister, he moved out of the house like a mad man telling locals who were in the nearby town to clear his way.

He was shooting in the air and on the ground while telling locals to clear his way, The bodyguard then moved to a nearby Salon and told the occupants to leave.

The salon is a 4 minutes walkable distance from the minister’s home. When the occupants left in fear, he closed the salon and shot himself dead.

One of the ladies who witnessed the incident told the media that the bodyguard told them that he has no problem with locals but his problem is with a government that has failed to pay him.

The lady further confessed that the bodyguard told them that his wife is pregnant and his kids don’t have school fees because the government has failed to pay him.

The bodyguard did not kill or harm any locals, The minister had over five bodyguards, one who shot the minister is dead, another bodyguard is critically ill in hospital and the rest are still on the run.

Gender Minister, Betty Amongi, Speaker of Parliament Anita Among, and Security Minister Jim Muhwezi are among the government officials who have already arrived at Engola’s home in Kyanja.


Charles Okello Macodwogo Engola, was born on October 12, 1958. He was a Ugandan politician and retired Colonel in the Uganda People’s Defence Force.

While in the military, Engola was the commander of UPDF 501 Brigade, headquartered at Opit, in Gulu District. The brigade played a role in fighting the Lord’s Resistance Army.

He was promoted to the rank of colonel and retired from the military in 2007. During the 2006 national election cycle, Engola successfully contested for the Local Council 5 (LC V), Oyam District Council Chairmanship, on the ruling NRM political party ticket.

He won in a landslide, winning 93 percent of the vote. He was re-elected in 2011 and served as the LCV Chair for Oyam District for a continuous 10 years, from 2006. In 2016 he won the Oyam North parliamentary seat and is the incumbent member of parliament.

On 6 June 2016, Engola was named to the cabinet as State Minister of Defence,In the cabinet reshuffle of 14 December 2019, Engola retained his portfolio. At the time of his death, Col. Engola was the State Minister for Labour, Employment, and Industrial Relations.


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About the Author: admin