NSONGA ZA WIRE!! Evidence Places Fellow Lawyer Who Has Been Chewing late Lawyer Mukisa’s Wife On Crime Scene, Wife Arrested

Criminal detectives from Brig. Gen. Christopher Ddamulira Sserunjongi’s Crime Intelligence and Dr. Maj. Tom Magamba’s police Criminal Investigation Department (CID) have expanded their investigation into the murder of Ronald Mukisa a city lawyer.

Mukisa whom his friends used to call Ronnie was gunned down by an unknown assassin in the wee hours of Tuesday at Kitiko village, Ndejje Division, Makindye Ssabagabo in Wakiso district.

According to Luke Owoyesigyire, the Kampala Metropolitan deputy police spokesperson, 45-year-old Mukisa was gunned down when was going back to close his gate after parking his dark blue Subaru Legacy registration number UBJ 006K.

“The assailant quickly fled the scene and escaped on a waiting motorcycle. Kajjansi Police Station took immediate action upon receiving the report concerning the incident,” Owoyesigyire stated.

He added that the investigators went with sniffer dogs at the crime scene to help look for the culprits; however they only recovered four projectiles and cartridges.

However, highly placed sources close to the investigations reveal to theGrapevine that the preliminary investigations established that the assassins have been following the deceased for a longtime to understand his movements in order to execute their mission.

Detectives based on the statements recorded by eye witnesses including area local authorities who stated that there were unknown people on the fateful day who were seen in their area. It is alleged these unknown people even ordered one of the shop attendants who had his shop open to close it immediately. A few minutes later, they heard bullets.

“The first three bullets went off when I was in my bedroom. So I moved to the sitting room and as I peeped through the window, I saw a man clad in army-like boots, wearing a cap and he was putting on a jacket. I heard someone shouting Jesus, Jesus, Jesus and in a few minutes, the noise went into silence,” an eyewitness told police.

Detectives have established that Mukisa’s murder was a planned murder and among the suspects who are under investigations are Dorah Birungi, the wife to the deceased and one of the lawyers at the law firm he was working from. Owoyesigyire exclusively confirmed to theGrapevine the arrest of Birungi and she is currently detained at Kajjansi police station.

He further explained that the detectives are still studying her statement before officially slapping charges on her. Sources said that Birungi introduced Mukisa to her parents a few years back but they have one child.

Sources added that later on, Birungi, who is also a city businesswoman separated with Mukisa and she has been staying with her kid at Kajjansi.

“Surprisingly, the suspect stays in Kajjansi, but she was among the first people to reach the crime scene. We want to know who told her about the death of the man, she is still a suspect, keep that in your mind” a seasoned detective handling the matter.

Sources disclosed that before Mukisa’s murder, he had been receiving messages from Birungi warning him to stop threatening her new boyfriend who was working with him in the same law firm and avoid asking her to give him their child. Sources said that the reason why Mukisa separated with Birungi was because the said lawyer was already in love with her.

“We have recorded a statement from one of the family members who told us that the said lawyer who is not yet arrested got into a love relationship with Birungi when the deceased introduced her to them at their law chambers offices at Namanda building near Nasser Road in the city center,” a source said.

He added that from then, Birungi’s behaviours changed and she was always fighting with the late which resulted in the two separating homes.

The lawyer in question is the one who is paying for Birungi’s rent and he is always seen at her place.

Detectives insist that Birungi and the lawyer are the first beneficiaries from Mukisa’s murder and they have received a statement from one of the lawyers in the same law firm who has been a friend to the deceased who pined the said lawyer.

“After the murder, one of the lawyers in that law firm contacted us detailing what he suspected to have caused the deceased’s murder and we advised him to come to Kajjansi police station to record a statement. So we are waiting for him,” a source said.

The detectives are also following the clue that the deceased has been handling a very sensitive land matter in the high court which involved top city businessmen.

The said land is situated in areas of Kigo in Wakiso district. Investigators are also investigating the clue that Mukisa’s murder might have been politically motivated because some of the witnesses claim that he was planning to contest for Makindye Ssabagabo parliamentary seat.

“I talked to him last week and he was asking me how I can help him to mobilize support in the area. I told him to first establish an office in the area. Mukisa has been a brother and I pray that the culprits who killed him be arrested and tried before the courts of law,” Julius Katongole said.

Uganda Law Society president Bernard Oundo pleaded with investigators to do all their best to make sure that the culprits are brought to book because Mukisa’s murder has sent many lawyers on fear mode. Mukisa was laid to rest at his ancestral home in Seeta Mukono district


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