Watch as slay queen is beaten in salon after failing to pay hair bills

Workers in a local ladies’ salon almost beat up a slat queen as they embarrassed her on camera. This is after she failed to clear her hair bills.

Apparently, she came into the salon, sat down, and got her hair done. However, when the time came for her to pay, she had no money.

This angered the workers who demanded that she pays or they teach her an unforgettable lesson. She pleaded with them to let her go so that she comes back and pays.

However, they weren’t having any of this. Some even proposed that her to be beaten. It seems that this slayer was promised money for hair by one of Adam’s sons.

And quickly she went to the salon as she thought the money would come but it didn’t. It also seems this wasn’t the first time that she was doing this as they reminded her of another time she did it.


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About the Author: admin