Chameleone va ku Mwenge oba sikyo ogenda kufa tkuziike -Mzee Gerald Mayanja alabudde mutabani we

Mzee Gerald Mayanja put on his cranky dad hat on Thursday night and scolded his son Jose Chameleone for living a reckless life. Speaking at the 44-year-old son’s graduation dinner, Mayanja warned that he’s unlikely to survive for long if doesn’t quit drinking.

Chameleone had a small dinner party to celebrate his graduation with a bachelor’s Degree in International Relations and Diplomacy from Cavendish University.

Mzee Mayanja in a lengthy speech at the event, warned Chameloene that he had already had too many close calls with death.

He cited his recent sudden admission and operation at a hospital in the US as an example. “The Americans told you to stop drinking. They said if you want to be alive you must drink only water,” he said.

If you really want your life, how do you keep drinking alcohol; waking up every morning crying about a hangover… what are you looking for?” The old man also wondered if his sons didn’t wish to live long like him.

I now have a 22-year-old grandchild. I also have an 18-year-old, a 17-year-old, and a 15-year-old. I am not sure if any of you will live to see that. But if you want to see your grandkids like me, you have to stop drinking.

The Ugandan and African music legend Chameleone listened quietly, head tilted downward, as his father read him the riot act.

Chameleone in July had an emergency operation in Minnesota in the US after he suffered a severe complication when his gallbladder broke and leaked bile in his guts.


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About the Author: admin