Bobi Wine’s Life in Danger – European Diplomats Share Security Intelligence with NUP

Uganda’s main opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) has claimed that it has received credible intelligence reports from its allies in European diplomatic circles that the life of party president Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine and other top leaders were in danger.

Bobi Wine started his countrywide mobilization tour this week. So far, he has remained largely uninterrupted compared to previous political opposition engagements.

On August 31, Bobi Wine and his fellow NUP leaders were in Kabale where they were briefly blocked and redirected by security.

Now, the party has claimed that ahead of the Kabale engagement, they received “reliable intelligence from some European Diplomatic Sources of a planned attempt on the life of President Kyagulanyi Ssentamu Robert aka Bobi Wine and other NUP leaders at the planned NUP mobilization events in Kabale District.”

Without giving more details, the party added that it had relied on these intelligence reports to “make strategic adjustments in our programs for the day, including concluding our events earlier than planned.”

This is not the first time Bobi Wine and other members of the Ugandan opposition like Dr Kizza Besigye have claimed that there were plans to harm them. Months ago, Besigye flew out of the country after a suspected poisoning.

Shockingly, even those close to the Museveni state, such as the country’s number three, Speaker Anita Among, and some ministers have claimed that some people want to assassinate them.


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