LABA ENSASAGE MUBWA KYABAZINGA BWE BUSOGA !! Kyabazinga’s alleged side chic attack new wife

There is a lot going on in Busoga Kingdom after they announced that Kyabazinga Nadiope William IV got an official wife. Basoga people were so happy that they finally have a lady in the kingdom ready to represent them.

But there is so much going on at the moment after a one alleged chic living in the United Kingdom attacked the newly wife Jovia Mutesi.

She said she has been with Kyabazinga fos so long and even has some children with him where she is. This lady said they started dating in 2015 and ever since, she is the person that has been investing in him in everything from what he eats, wears and how he sleeps.

She also revealed all the secrets of Kyabazinga sleeping with Jovia Mutesi is Dubai before their introduction ceremony that happened last week.

There has never been any rumors of Kyabazinga having any woman but the lady claimed that there is another one in Canada too.


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