Who is Dorah? A City Slay Babe that exposed singer Bruno K Secrets

Bruno K is back in the headlines after a city babe Dorah exposed his vulnerability in leaked audios and screenshots.

The city slay queen spilled  secrets of Bruno K including his performance in bed and how she has been feeding him and sponsoring all his music.

People are wondering who this city babe could be whom the best vocalist in the country fell for.  Doreen is a city business woman who built and resides in Mukono Municipality.

She has a business of cosmetics and has bleaching creams and also skin care creams where she makes millions of money every month.

Her products sell all over the country and also abroad with thousands of clients who are Ugandans in diaspora.

Dorah hooked up with Bruno K a few years ago and the two have been in a relationship which was going on smoothly until when she got pregnant without the consent of Bruno K.

Dorah has been funding Bruno K’s recent music products having paid for him up to three music videos in addition to funding his daily expenses.

What did Dorah expose about Bruno K

Dorah called Ritah in an audio that leaked on Wednesday, September 20th, 2023. In an audio, she was complaining how Bruno K no longer wants her ever since she got pregnant.

She exposed Bruno K’s secrets, how he doesn’t stand well when in Bed and has to first watch ‘kinakuka’ videos in order to stand and perform bed night activities.

She further said that Bruno is an environmentalist with a forest zone down there. She made it clear how Bruno doesn’t shave with a choking smell that scares away anyone who would wish to go ‘down there’ and give him a head.

 Why did Doreen and Bruno K separate

Bruno K and Dorah are no longer the love birds they used to be. A series of events happened in their relationship that brought an end to the romantic relationship.

Dorah suspected that Bruno was cheating on her after seeing him change and no longer having time for her as he used to.

She used to give Bruno K money for car expenses, feeding and music. When she suspected him having another woman, reduced the money she was giving him.

Bruno wanted the relationship between the two to be temporary however Dorah wanted to make it permanent. Without his approval, she got pregnant. Bruno felt that he was used by her to get a Kid “You used me Dorah …. to get a kid” Bruno could be seen texting her. These were enough to put an end to the lover birds and end the romantic relationship between them.

What next for Dorah and Bruno K.

Doreen is pregnant with Bruno K’s child; she therefore needs Bruno K to be there for her, to provide that needed paternal care.

We hope the two will find a solution soon for the sake of their unborn baby.

It is barely 7 months since Vanessa came out and exposed Bruno K who impregnated her and refused to give her child support. The issue was solved with a paternity test- DNA- which revealed Bruno K as the biological father of Seth Kiggundu.

With scandals after scandals, Bruno’s image is getting tainted with a bad icon.


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