Sheilah Gashumba bimusobedde, Grenade Official okubye Rickman Manrick namuyuza enyindo

Singers Grenade Official and Rickman Manrick over the night were embroiled in a serious physical altercation over Sheilah Gashumba.

Over the weekend, Sheilah Gashumba and her boyfriend Rickman Manrick attended Fashionista Abryanz’s just-concluded The Kampala Style Brunch at La Terezza hangout spot in Kampala.

Sheilah Gashumba claims that when she entered the event with Rickman, Grenade Official kept storming their table but he was severely stopped.

This left Grenade with a sour taste in his mouth, and a fight broke out which saw Grenade throw a glass at Rickman Manrick cutting his lips, leaving him with injuries.

Rickman was rushed to Nakasero hospital where he was immediately attended to and his wounds stitched, while Granade jumped over the fence and disappeared using a Boda Boda.

It should be remembered that Sheilah Gashumba and Grenade Official were once in a romantic relationship which didn’t end well, and sources attribute it to the cause of the fight.


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About the Author: admin