UCC eyingidde mulutalo lwa Zubeda SHamim Mayanja ne Zahara Toto

The Executive Director of the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), Eng. Irene Kaggwa, has called for an investigation into the heated exchange between media personalities Zahara Totto and Shamim Mayanja, also known as Zubeda Byantalo.

Mrs. Kaggwa has directed the Uganda Media Council (UMC) to scrutinize the on-air comments made by Totto against Mayanja during her “Uncut” show.


Addressing the concerns raised on social media regarding Totto’s conduct, Mrs. Kaggwa stated, “I am involving our sister agency, the Uganda Media Council, which regulates the conduct and promotes good ethical standards and discipline of journalists.”

During the broadcast, Zahara Totto made derogatory remarks about Mayanja’s attire, referring to her headscarf as “rugs.” Responding to this, Mayanja launched a counterattack, criticizing Totto’s appearance and making comments about her children in a scathing Facebook post.

Journalist Gabriel Buule, who reported the incident to the UCC, accused Totto of “promoting hatred” on live television and urged the regulatory body to take action to protect the integrity of journalism.

“It is unfair that a reporter willingly covered an event, and the presenter chose to passionately ridicule the source using profanity and promoting hatred. We call upon UCC to act and promote journalism,” Buule emphasized.

While complaints have been raised, the Uganda Media Council has not yet issued a public statement on the matter. The investigation initiated by the UCC underscores the commitment to maintaining ethical standards and discipline within the media industry.


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