Tamale Mirundi Jr.’s Bold Admission: confesses crush on Zari Hassan, willing to be her second husband

Tamale Mirundi Jr. is no stranger to making headlines with his outspoken and controversial statements, but this time, it’s not about politics or societal issues.

The spotlight has shifted to his personal life, revealing a surprising revelation about his feelings for the well-known socialite and entrepreneur, Zari Hassan.


Zari Hassan, celebrated for her glamorous lifestyle and successful ventures, has become the subject of Tamale Jr.’s admiration. In a candid disclosure, Tamale Jr. expressed not only his deep attraction to Zari but also his willingness to be her second husband, acknowledging that she is already officially married to Shakib Cham.

Some may interpret this as desperate, but Zari’s beauty, hard work, and entrepreneurial success paint a different picture. The Ugandan woman has carved her path, building a brand, managing various businesses, and amassing a substantial following on social media.

Tamale Jr.’s infatuation goes beyond mere attraction; he declared that even a casual invitation from Zari to hang out would be a dream come true. He emphasized that he would drop everything to meet his crush, highlighting the profound impact Zari has on him.

Drawing inspiration from the late Isma’s admiration for Zari, Tamale Jr. expressed a desire to experience firsthand the beauty and enchanting fragrance that Isma had described.

In the midst of controversies and bold statements, Tamale Jr. seems to be wearing his heart on his sleeve, revealing a softer side with his affection for Zari Hassan.


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