“NUP Saawa yona egenda kusaanawo” Catherine Kusasira abotodde ebyaama

Renowned singer Catherine Kusasira has taken a bold stand against the self-proclaimed keyboard warriors and foot soldiers affiliated with the National Unity Platform (NUP).

In a recent interview with a local TV station, Kusasira criticized these so-called supporters, stating that they exude an excess of “gas” and assert themselves as more politically engaged than the pioneers of politics.


Despite not aligning herself with Bobi Wine’s political ideology, Kusasira emphasized their friendship. She recounted numerous instances where Bobi Wine greeted her warmly and engaged in friendly conversations during their encounters.

However, Kusasira expressed concern about a faction within the NUP supporters who resort to intimidation tactics, particularly against musicians, to enforce their preferences. She highlighted cases where artists like Sheebah Karungi and Spice Diana faced boycotts orchestrated by this group.

Moreover, the former Golden Band singer reminded everyone that NUP is not the first formidable political party in the country. She pointed to historical examples such as UPC and FDC, emphasizing that political landscapes evolve and change. Kusasira urged the NUP supporters to adopt humility and refrain from imposing their views on those who differ.

Addressing the possibility of NUP’s eventual decline, Kusasira asserted that political shifts are inevitable, and another party may rise in the future. She stressed the importance of humility and respecting boundaries in the ever-changing political scenario.

Despite facing hostility from some NUP supporters, Kusasira reflected on her past support for Bobi Wine during the 2017 Kyadondo East parliamentary by-election. Her message resonates as a call for unity, humility, and understanding in the diverse political landscape of the country.


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About the Author: admin