“Aba NUP bebatuwamba mu drone nebatugamba tuwayirize Museveni” Alleged Torture Victim Reveals , Apologizes To Museveni

The 38th anniversary of the National Resistance Movement’s (NRM) ascent to power was marked by an intriguing turn of events during the NRM Liberation Day festivities at St. John’s Wakitaka SS playground in Jinja City, Northern Division.

The celebration, attended by prominent government and NRM figures, revolved around the theme “Building a Country We All Cherish.”


One unexpected moment stole the spotlight as Moses Simbwa, during the festivities, made a startling confession. Simbwa admitted to fabricating claims of government torture orchestrated by the opposition and took the opportunity to apologize to President Museveni for spreading false information.

In an emotional statement, Simbwa revealed, “I am here, mama [Milly Babalanda] brought me. I had spent three years in hiding, but in the long run, my foot was rotting, and I decided to come to say the truth and ask for your forgiveness, Mr. President.

These guys of the opposition use us like rebels. I will tell you everything if you grant me an audience to speak to you.” President Museveni applauded Simbwa as he spoke.

Simbwa continued, shedding light on his past role as a manipulated youth paraded by the opposition to testify falsely about government torture.

He appealed to the government for security protection, expressing concern about potential repercussions from the opposition for his revelations.

“I also ask for security to help me stay safe because what I’m saying, even journalists are witnessing these things. I don’t know what’s next.

If this is my will, let it be, because when we come forward and speak, the opposition kills us, and then they claim the government is responsible. Mr. President, the drones you see abducting Ugandans are operated by the opposition,” Simbwa added.

Addressing the audience, President Museveni affirmed his awareness of Simbwa’s revelations and pledged to expose the deceptive activities of the so-called opposition.

He condemned their collaboration with foreign entities, emphasizing their attempts to undermine Uganda’s sovereignty.

“We are aware of these deceitful acts orchestrated by bogus opposition groups. They conspire with foreign powers to manipulate Uganda, but they underestimate the strength of the NRM,” declared President Museveni, promising to unveil more about the nefarious activities of the opposition.


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