“Stop making fun of me, I Passwed P7” Pretty Nicole Sets the Record Straight on PLE Success

Famous for her charm and grace, Pretty Nicole has finally addressed the rumors surrounding her Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) results, proudly revealing her outstanding academic achievements.

Originally slated to sit for her PLE in 2020, Pretty Nicole faced a setback due to the global Covid-19 lockdown, causing her to temporarily drop out of school.


During this time, she immersed herself in learning the art of hairdressing alongside her friends, inadvertently gaining fame as she became the target of unwarranted harassment.

Fortunately, Pretty Nicole found herself surrounded by supportive well-wishers who generously sponsored her education, allowing her to resume her academic journey.

Despite her age, Pretty Nicole embraced the opportunity to continue her schooling, overcoming the challenges that life had thrown her way.

In response to persistent speculation about her PLE results, the beautiful Pretty Nicole confidently announced that she passed with flying colors, achieving an impressive aggregate score of 29. She expressed her commitment to pursuing education with unwavering determination, vowing to continue until she reaches her full potential.

Addressing the negative comments and jokes circulating about her education, Pretty Nicole urged her fans to refrain from making fun of her academic pursuits, asserting herself as a bright and dedicated student.

With her head held high, Pretty Nicole has triumphed over adversity, proving that her resilience and commitment to education are stronger than any adversity she may face.


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About the Author: admin