KITALO NYO!! Ekya Kadaama Ritah Tania eyafudde oluvanyuma lwa Mutabani wa boss we okumusamba mu Lukindo

The untimely passing of Ritah Tania, a resilient member of the hustler community, has left us all deeply saddened. Ritah’s journey was marked by both triumphs and challenges, yet her spirit remained unyielding in the face of adversity.

Originally hailing from Uganda, Ritah ventured to Saudi Arabia in pursuit of better opportunities, working diligently from 2019 to 2022.


Upon returning home, she welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world through a caesarean birth. However, circumstances in Uganda soon grew difficult, prompting Ritah to seek employment once more in Saudi Arabia.

Tragically, her return to Saudi Arabia was marred by a grievous incident. Misunderstandings with her boss’s son led to a violent altercation, resulting in a devastating injury to Ritah’s caesarean line.

Despite the immediate efforts of Mr. Kenny, Director of Kyeyo Initiative Uganda, to secure treatment for Ritah, her boss adamantly refused assistance. Eventually, through concerted advocacy, Ritah was repatriated to Uganda for medical care.

The solidarity of the Hustlers Group, alongside Mr. Kenny’s unwavering advocacy, exemplifies the strength of community in times of crisis.

Yet, despite all efforts, Ritah’s health continued to deteriorate. With heavy hearts, we received the devastating news of her passing.

In this moment of sorrow, we extend our deepest condolences to Ritah’s family, friends, and all who knew her. May her indomitable spirit live on in our memories, and may she rest in peace, forever remembered as a beloved member of the hustler fraternity.


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About the Author: admin